
Call of duty cold war beta pc time
Call of duty cold war beta pc time

call of duty cold war beta pc time

Similarly, Black Ops Cold War will include 6v6 versions of our Crossroads and Armada maps at launch on November 13th! We’re excited to support up to 24 players on this new map, as well as a full selection of core 6v6 modes in the Beta. We definitely built in enough room for variety and different player styles to flourish.” – Miles Leslie, Creative Specialist We wanted players to have the feeling that they could ‘own’ this part of the map by utilizing the plants, weaving between them, and really become a hunter. “We built Cartel around the idea of an ‘open’ middle – one that provides a very high risk versus reward incentive. You’ll get to play both 6v6 and 12v12 modes on Cartel in the Beta, including Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Domination, Combined Arms: Domination, and additional modes as the Beta continues throughout both weekends. If you’re feeling lucky, try holding down the central tower to snipe oncoming enemies, or take the stealth route through the foliage in the center lane. This lush map offers a variety of attack options for any play style, from the close-quarters interiors of the warehouse on one side to the shaded streams flanking the opposite end. Set in the steamy jungles of Nicaragua, players will storm a remote cartel compound where a known Perseus associate has been operating in the shadows. Our newest Multiplayer map, Cartel, will be available from the start of the Beta on October 8th on PS4.

call of duty cold war beta pc time

We’re bringing new ways to play to the Open Beta, including new maps, three new modes – VIP Escort, Combined Arms: Assault, and Fireteam: Dirty Bomb – as well as a host of new MP features to the Black Ops series. We’re delivering some of our deepest Multiplayer experiences to date, and you won’t have to wait until launch to check them out. With Black Ops Cold War, that commitment doesn’t stop. From the introduction of party games like Gun Game and One in the Chamber in the original Black Ops to newer fan-favorites like Control and Heist, we’re always focused on one thing over all: having fun with your friends. Treyarch is a studio that has always prided itself on creating awesome new social experiences for our players to enjoy.

Call of duty cold war beta pc time